Happy Earth Day everyone!!!

oceanI must admit, I do feel a little bit strange saying that (typing it, rather) In many ways, it makes me feel happy, and excited that around this time every year, organizations do that little bit extra, to be green. But SURELY! Every day should be Earth Day. The positives of Earth Day are obvious.  It is an educational day, a day of awareness, a day to share ideas, and maybe even a day that it is socially acceptable to hug a tree in public.

We are encouraged to be thankful for our planet today, to maybe think twice about our carbon footprint, or make new goals for ourselves to make more of a difference. It could even be compared to a new years’ resolution. “This year on Earth Day, I vow to make less of a negative impact on our planet! Today, I will pick up a piece of trash, even though someone else has thrown it on the ground!”

This year, let’s stick to our word. We know now that we have been stressing our planet and its’ resources to the limit. This is not something we can afford to ignore anymore, not something we can knowingly turn a blind eye to. Now is our chance to make a change. There is no time like the present, and it is our gift, and a privilege to be living here on this earth together.

Let’s challenge ourselves, and our friends and family, to make the changes that we truly want to see. This doesn’t need to be a huge feat; it can be as small as picking up 1 piece of trash a day. It can be making sure that something recyclable ends up in a recyclable bin. It could be saying no to the plastic bag that the smiling lady behind the counter at the convenience store is kindly offering you. It could be taking your bike to work, instead of your car.



As divers, we have a massive opportunity to make changes. Every. Single. Day!

  • Pick up rubbish on the reef, and on the beautiful beaches we visit
  • Apply sunscreen at LEAST 30 mins before any in-water activity
  • Practice good buoyancy control, protect all living life!
  • Do Not throw any food in the sea
  • Refuse to eat unsustainable seafood, as we would much prefer to see these beautiful fish alive, and swimming around with us on our dives
  • Use refillable bottles. Even on day trips, either bring your own bottle, or re use your plastic bottle if you don’t have your own (yet!).
  • Use reusable bags. Dry bags! What an incredible invention. Say NO to plastic bags!

These are just very basic, and easy things that we can do to protect the environment that we may be visiting, or live in. But remember, it is Earth day, and so today (and every day) let’s give thanks for this planet, and work together towards making it a better place for all of us (nature, ocean, and animals included) to live in!!!

So now that you have spent enough time indoors on your computer, go outside and play! Take a walk or run, go for a swim, let the sunshine brighten up you face, or go dance in the rain. Look up to the starry sky, count the shooting stars, and count your blessings.

Love your planet, Love your life.

Happy Earth Day, EVERY Day.

With love, thanks and gratitude from your Wicked Family  xo