Diving and Snorkelling Code of Conduct

We ask all of our guests to adhere to the following guidelines when joining any of our diving or snorkelling trips. Not only does this help to ensure the safety of our guests, it also allows us to minimise negative impacts on the marine environment.

  • Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but bubbles. This applies to any activities on land too. Shells, sand, rocks and other natural items should be left in their natural environment. However, if you see trash, plastics, rope etc. we encourage you to collect it and dispose of it on the boat.
  • Please practice good buoyancy and protect the reef. All of our team will be happy to help you with buoyancy or weighting advice.
  • Please do not aggravate, chase, harass or hug the marine life! Practice passive interactions in all your dive and snorkel endeavours.
  • Gloves are for skiing! Generally speaking we ask our guests to refrain from wearing gloves during dives. If you have a specific medical concern or issue that means you need to wear gloves, please talk with the Tour Leader.
  • There may be occasions, particularly in strong currents, where you may need to touch the substrate or hold on. Please try to ensure that you are not touching anything that is living. As a general rule if it doesn’t look like rock, it’s probably not rock! Encrusting corals and sponges can look like rock to the untrained eye. If it has texture, patterns or feels slimy to the touch, then it is most likely something other than rock.
  • Please apply sunscreen 30 minutes before entering the water. This ensures that they don’t slide off onto the corals and impact its ability to photosynthesise.
  • We are fortunate to operate within the boundaries of National Marine Parks in many of the places we visit. Please respect the rules of the individual location and ask for clarity from your Dive Guide if you are unsure.
  • No fishing is allowed from our boats.
  • Please make sure nothing enters the water from the boat, even organic matter.
  • When diving or snorkelling with manta rays, please respect the following guidelines:
    • Keep your distance
    • Do not enter the cleaning stations – stay a minimum of 3m away
    • Stay together as one group
    • Move calmly and slowly
    • Stay close to the bottom or reef, avoid drifting up into the water column
    • Do not chase, duck dive or touch
    • Think about your buoyancy – do not damage coral and other marine life while concentrating on the manta rays
    • Avoid excessive flash photography
  • We strive to be the best we can, but there is always room for improvement. If you see any behaviour or activity that you feel is inappropriate, please do ensure you bring this to a staff member. This allows us to rectify any problems and identify areas where further training is needed.