Diego Ballesteros – a global citizen – originally hailing from Mexico, Diego brings another calming personality to Wicked Diving. His presence while guiding, teaching or just hanging out is warm and always has a good word to say!
With more than a few hundred students taught – he also brings experience to the family, jumping right in with the Divemaster Training program. AFter teaching the Divemaster program full time for one year- he is eager to do it again for the 2011-2012 season! If you would like to see what some of his students thought – check out this review
QUALIFICATIONS: SSI Instructor, PADI Instructor
Where are you from?
From the land of Tequila – Mexico
What languages do you speak?
Spanish, English, Italian and a bit of French
How long and where have you been diving?
I started diving 10 years ago in lakes, rivers, cenotes and the sea. Afterwards a year diving in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt. Then Koh Lanta, Thailand the Gilis in Indonesia and Thailand again.
What got you started in diving?
I really just wanted to learn swimming. After some bad experiences as a kid – I decided, at University to sign up for swimming lessons. But the office was closed. The office for diving was open and they said “We can teach you to swim and if you like it – you could learn scuba too”…sounded like a good deal.
Why the Similan Islands and Khao Lak? What brought you here?
Many friends of mine had dived and worked here beofre and they said such great things about the diving in the Similan Islands – so I decided to see for myself!
Favourite Fish / Marine life?
Big fish are always amazing to see, but what really gets my attention are the tiny creatures. Slugs, Nudibranchs, pipefushes and all those that are hard to see like stonefish, scorpionfish, seamoths, werid crabs…that’s my thing!