Wicked Diving likes to make a positive impact on the world around us and we are always looking for ways to do so. Sometimes this is simply being directly involved in the local community, or through education and outreach and sometimes it’s through direct action. It’s perfect when it is all three!
Combining with GHRE, we took an entire class of students to a local beach to talk about the effect waste has on our local foodchain, how the waste we produce does not simply disappear – and then we went to this local beach and cleaned it up.
This is not simply some project to clean a beach – we are helping these students realize that they are participating in the cycles of a local ecosystem and that their own actions can affect it, positively or negatively.
In addition we are taking our Professional level courses, in the case Divemaster Trainees, and showing that they are able to make impacts on the local communities they will live and work in after the finish their courses with us.
And – of course – we are cleaning up a beach, which is never a bad thing 🙂
GHRE is a great organization and you can learn more about them and our involvement here.