Wicked Schedules
Wicked Schedules
Please look for the appropriate section below! We have schedules for our Similan Liveaboard, Snorkeling Tours, Divemaster program and event he Instructor Courses.
Here at Wicked Diving we have an incredible liveaboard with destinations throughout the region. Whether through the Similan Islands, Richelieu Rock or combining trips -…
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Wicked Schedules
Here at Wicked Diving we have an incredible liveaboard with destinations throughout the region. Whether through the Similan Islands, Richelieu Rock, Komodo ISlands or somewhere…
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Wicked Schedules
Wicked Diving offers the most intese and through Divemaster Training program in the Region. Combining our ecologically friendly ethos, fanatacism for safety and great liveaboard…
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Wicked Schedules
Our Snorkeling tours offer you the opportunity to joiurney to the far reaches of Thailand, while still having a guide to maintain safety and point…
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Wicked Schedules
After much consideration – we are not offering this tour. We are offering great, overnight Snorkeling tours of the Surin Islands – which features better…
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Wicked Schedules
Here at Wicked Diving we have an incredible liveaboard with destinations throughout the region. Through the monsoon season that affects the Similan and Surin Islands,…
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Wicked Schedules