USD$ 1,259
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Oxygen Instructor Program
In the program, you will learn the proper techniques for demystifying the use of oxygen in a diving accident.
The DAN Oxygen Instructor course
is an Instructor Training Program aimed specifically at presenting the content of the Oxygen Provider Module.
We will review the DAN Oxygen Instructor manual and student manual and materials and how to conduct the course.
On completion of this course you will be able to teach the DAN O2 Provider course which is open to all Certified Divers and apply for the PADI Distinctive Specialty Inst. Rating.
Prerequisites for the DAN Oxygen Inst. course;
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have completed the DAN Oxygen Provider Module
- Be a Scuba Instructor with an Accredited Agency or hold a Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training and a Divemaster Qualification or higher
- Be a DAN AP member or Subscriber
DAN Oxygen Instructor course
All DAN course materials are included in the course price.