Sunday, November 4, 2007

Bon Soong Wreck – November, 2007


Actually I left it there for the picture, but you can see that the seas were calm and the water warm for the dive on Bon Soong.

This weeks little family:
Mark, Turid, Stine and Sabrina all went out for a great afternoon’s diving.

Lunch on the boat.

Stress? Not here…

They saw no less than 7 Leopard Sharks (though it may have been the same 7 different times). But Bon Soong never disappoints. It’s a great site for the little stuff, nudibranchs, juvenile angel fish, puffers and very frequently sharks.

Captain Jack never fails either. He’s both a positive influence and friendly guy. What more can we say? It is such a relief to have a great captain. It always makes me happy to get a hug from him – even if he is in his underpants!

Khao Lak Diving